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whirly - the WP forum reader play online

Play whirly - the WP forum reader APK


The official app & game

Distributed by UptoPlay


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Use UptoPlay to play online the game whirly - the WP forum reader.

whirly is a native app to view the whirlpool.net.au forums without a web browser. Sleek, simple and fast, it is perfect for reading the forums on the go!

Keep an eye on twitter for news and progress updates: http://twitter.com/#!/androidwhirly

If you'd like to support development of whirly, all I ask is that you simply use it, and if you run into any problems please send me an email at the address listed.

Enjoy the app, don't forget to check for updates every now and then, and most importantly: please provide feedback! whirly will continue to improve with community bug reports and suggestions.

Enjoy with UptoPlay the online game whirly - the WP forum reader.


Developer: Reverse Engineered

Recent changes: v2.2:
[+] navigation tweaks. it now takes less taps to navigate pages. navigation buttons will also keep out of the way a little better to make it easier to read text in the bottom corners of threads.
[+] show page count at top of forum view

[+] redesigned navigation implementation w/ material design floating buttons
[+] further various UI tweaks

[+] update to work happily with whirlpool's new site design which went live today

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